Be a Champion for Alberta Hotels - Board of Directors Nominations are Open
February 1, 2024

Be a Champion for Alberta Hotels - Board of Directors Nominations are Open

Are you passionate about Alberta's hotel industry? Do you believe that hotels are stronger when they work together? Consider running for the AHLA Board of Directors! The Board of Directors is responsible for setting the association’s strategic direction in order to help our members prosper. We are looking for industry champions who:
  • Believe in the power of working together
  • Want to find solutions to the biggest challenges facing Alberta hotels
  • Are ready to be part of a progressive board that acts with integrity
  • Take pride in serving their fellow hoteliers
  • Embrace challenge and fun!
The Board meets four times per year. Board members are elected for two year terms, and may be asked to serve on working committees and task forces, as required. Five seats are up for election for the AHLA 2024-25 board. Elections will take place March 18 – 22, 2024. The deadline for nominations is February 23 at 4 p.m.  For more details on board member eligibility and commitments, click here.

Application Details

  • Connect with the AHLA Governance Committee Chair, Chris Barr to learn more about the role and expectations of the board and individual directors
  • Download the AHLA Board Recruitment Package and the Employer Letter of Support
  • Complete the competency matrix
  • Be nominated by another AHLA member in good standing
  • Governance Committee will review all nominations to confirm eligibility of candidates
  • Elections will be held online March 18-22, 2024
  • Results will be announced shortly after the election