How You Can Prepare for Wildfire Season
May 1, 2023

How You Can Prepare for Wildfire Season

Alberta experiences wildfires every year, and it is essential to be prepared for these events. As a hotel, you have an important role to play in ensuring the safety of your guests and staff during a wildfire event. Here are some suggestions for what hotels can do during fire season in Alberta: Have an Emergency Plan: It is crucial to have an emergency plan in place in case of a wildfire. This plan should include evacuation procedures, a list of emergency contacts, and a plan for communicating with guests and staff. Ensure that all staff members are familiar with the emergency plan and know their role in case of an emergency. Not sure where to get started? Download Alberta’s Emergency Response Planning Toolkit. Monitor Fire Conditions: Stay up to date with fire conditions in the area and be prepared to act quickly if necessary. Keep an eye on the local news and weather reports, and listen to any evacuation orders issued by the authorities. Your best source for emergency information is the Alberta Emergency Alert. Prepare Guests: Inform guests of the wildfire risk in the area and provide them with information on how to stay safe. This could include providing guests with a list of emergency contacts, instructions on what to do in case of an evacuation order, and advice on how to stay informed about fire conditions. Keep a Stock of Emergency Supplies: Keep a stock of emergency supplies, such as bottled water, non-perishable food, and first aid kits, on hand in case of an emergency. Ensure that all staff members know where these supplies are located and how to distribute them. Make sure your staff have current First Aid training. The AHLA offers First Aid training in partnership with St. John Ambulance. Stay in Contact with Guests: In the event of a wildfire, it is essential to keep guests informed and updated. Consider using social media or email to communicate with guests and provide them with up-to-date information on the situation. The AHLA encourages all accommodation providers to:

  • Ensure you extend your very best rates to evacuees and those affected by wildfires.
  • Work with guests who may be without identification due a sudden evacuation.
  • Relax ‘no pets’ policies for evacuees with pets.
  • Remember that guests and staff alike may feel the emotional strain of the event and its consequences.
  • Communicate with your fellow hoteliers to ensure you can assist travelers with accurate information and availability options if your property is full.

If you have to close your hotel: Here is a useful guide that will walk you through the steps you may need to take in order to close your property during an emergency. These are just a few suggestions for what hotels can do during fire season in Alberta. By being prepared and taking action, you can help keep your guests and staff safe in the event of a wildfire. If you have any questions or would like further information, please do not hesitate to contact us at