Hidden Danger: The Silent Threat of Carbon Monoxide
December 4, 2023

Hidden Danger: The Silent Threat of Carbon Monoxide

You can’t see it, smell it, or taste it, but carbon monoxide (CO) is a deadly gas lurking in our midst. In North America, it stands as a primary contributor to accidental poisoning fatalities. So, what’s the deal with this elusive foe?

What is carbon monoxide?

CO, a by-product of combustion, rears its dangerous head when fuel-burning appliances don’t get enough air to burn fuel completely. CO is no joke—it absorbs into your bloodstream a whopping 200 times faster than regular oxygen. In simpler terms, it’s a fast-acting danger.

Where do you find it?

Concerned about where CO might strike? Well, anywhere with fuel-burning equipment is a potential hazard zone. From gas-powered engines to cozy fireplaces and natural gas ovens, the danger can be anywhere—even in well-ventilated spaces. Many hotels have items such as natural gas dryers, boilers or even natural gas space heaters where carbon monoxide can develop.

How is it detected?

Watch out for warning signs like headaches, dizziness, shortness of breath, chest pain, and poor vision. If your CO alarm starts blaring, immediately get everyone out of the building and into fresh air. Dial 911, report the situation, and don’t re-enter until the coast is clear.

How can you prevent it?

Prevention is key. Clear those exterior vents of snow and debris, schedule an annual checkup for heating systems, and install monitored CO detectors. It’s not just a suggestion; it’s a requirement for buildings undergoing a Fire Safety Inspection. Stay safe, stay vigilant, and keep the CO at bay.

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