
Why Should I Talk to My Elected Officials?

To protect and promote our members’ interests, the AHLA maintains an open and productive dialogue with elected government officials. We do this through regular calls and meetings and by providing accurate and comprehensive information about the hotel industry. We strive to ensure policy makers understand the impacts of their decisions on Alberta hotels.

Hotel owners and operators, as investors and job creators, have valuable insights to share. The AHLA encourages members to connect with their  provincial Member of the Legislative Assembly (MLA) and their  federal Member of Parliament (MP).

Our elected representatives need to understand how hotels contribute to the communities they serve. Become a trusted constituent by informing elected officials about the tourism and hospitality industry’s role and importance in Alberta. 

AHLA members are experts on this topic!

Your provincial MLA covers policies such as minimum wage, the Tourism Levy, and liquor & gaming.

Your federal MP covers policies such as immigration and Temporary Foreign Workers.

The AHLA encourages members to build relationships with elected officials before they’re elected. This can make officials more receptive to your concerns later on. You may wish to:

  • Call or email your elected official to congratulate them when they get elected.
  • Get together with your MLA or MP for coffee when they are in the riding.
  • Attend fundraisers for candidates you support.
  • Make sure you are on hand to greet an MLA, Minister, or MP if they are attending an event at your hotel.

 Advocacy Meeting Guide 

Tips for Connecting With Elected Officials

Connect with the MLA or MP for both the constituency you live in and the one where your hotel is located.

Consider connecting with one or two other hoteliers in your area to try and arrange a meeting together.

Invite them for a tour of your property at their convenience. You may have better luck getting an earlier meeting if you are willing to go to their constituency office. For MLAs, Fridays are usually constituency days.

Treat elected officials like guests, whether you go to them or they come to you.

Get to know your MLAs and MPs. Try to understand what is important to them and their party.

Inform them about your business, including:

  • The investment you have made.
  • How many people you employ.
  • The place and impact your hotel has in your community.

If You Are Raising a Particular Issue with Your MLA or MP:

Remember that elected officials have multiple stakeholders to satisfy. Do not expect them to give you an answer or to commit to a position.

Be respectful, even if you disagree with their position on an issue or feel they don’t understand your concerns.

Thank them for meeting with you and remember that this is only one issue. You may have other concerns in the future where their support and understanding is even more important.

Let the AHLA know what you and your elected official discussed, and if any follow-up or additional information is needed.

 Who Is My Provincial MLA 

 Who Is My Federal MP 

What Should I Talk About?

Let your MLA or MP know:

  • How business is at your hotel.
  • What is influencing the market (e.g. tourism levels, oil & gas activity, sporting events).
  • The impacts of legislation and regulations on your property, business, and employees.

We have used current issues, legislation, and policies to develop talking points to help you prepare for your meeting. Feel free to leave a copy of this document with your MLA or MP.

 Advocacy Talking Points 

If You Need Assistance

Not sure where to start, or want help to prepare for a meeting? Please contact Laurie Chandler, VP of Public Affairs, at

Please copy this email address on any correspondence with your MLA or MP so the AHLA can stay informed.