
Supporting hotels in enhancing their understanding of Canada’s First Nations peoples and how to support reconciliation at their facilities.

Resources for Increased Awareness

Indigenous Tourism Alberta

By developing a deeper understanding of Indigenous cultures, worldviews, and approaches to tourism, this toolkit for working with ITA and its members will empower you to meaningfully engage and build respectful relationships with Indigenous communities and operators.

Indigenous Canada (University of Alberta)

This course is a 12-lesson Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) from the Faculty of Native Studies that explores the different histories and contemporary perspectives of Indigenous peoples living in Canada. This course can be taken for free online, as well as for full credit or for certification purposes.

101 Indigenous Awareness Introduction

This stand-alone, highly abridged version of the widely-recognized Certification course takes about 60-90 minutes to complete.

(There is a $48 fee for this course.)

Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada 

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada was established to to facilitate reconciliation among former students, their families, their communities and all Canadians. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) provided those directly or indirectly affected by the legacy of the Indian Residential Schools system with an opportunity to share their stories and experiences.

Land Acknowledgement

A land acknowledgement is a formal statement recognizing the unique and enduring relationship that exists between Indigenous Peoples and their traditional territories. The U of A has various land acknowledgements that can be used for a variety of purposes.

Lunch & Learn Webinars

National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

Each year, September 30 marks the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.

The day honours the children who never returned home and Survivors of residential schools, as well as their families and communities. Public commemoration of the tragic and painful history and ongoing impacts of residential schools is a vital component of the reconciliation process.

Videos for Increased Awareness